Spring has come to our mountains here in East Tennessee! This means Turkey harvesting season is just a few days away, and I so look forward to harvesting some fresh, nature fed, turkey meat! It has been in the mid seventies a few days already. Of course that means I have to look for my mesh-net head gear to keep the gnats and mosquitos and other little insects out of my eyes and ears so I'll feel comfortable enough to hunt. Here are a few pictures to show what's happening in the forest right now.
This is a picture of a trail where I've mowed near the cabin showing the thickness of the bamboo along the creek - which is great for turkeys to graze near so they can hide in it if danger occurs.
Here is a bug working on a rotting log. He is called the Southern Pine Beetle and has wreaked havoc on our forests here in the southeast. I hear that the turkeys love to feed on these bugs.
More rotting logs which have fallen as a result of the beetle's work - then heavy rains soften the ground - then heavy spring thunderstomrs with strong winds can finish the work. I've seen a flock of at least 15 wild turkeys in this area! Warms my heart!!
Sounds like a plan my friend. It is so apparent that you love that area of the Tennessee Mountains. Even better if you can bringb in a Turkey or two for the freezer and baking pan.
I love the pictures and plans. Hope it all comes to a head and you B plucking a Turkey soon! YOu can build a fire there at the cabin and boil the sucker there, before you pluck.
Love it, take care and our love to the girl who married the Turkey (hunter).
Love from the land of NO SPRING,
Sherry and Jack
It's nice to see the woods and area around you. Yes, the tree does appear to be a white birch, I love them! We have wild turkeys all around here, and people who hunt them. Went down a lane the other day called "Wild Turkey Lane" or something close to it. I was hoping to see the some turkeys, not to shoot but to snap. Not a single one, the only thing there were plenty of was old cars up on blocks.
May your aim be true, Fred. It is so nice to see grounds without snow on them. Enjoy the hunt. We usually only keep the skinless breast for roasting wrapped in bacon strips. Sometimes I even drizzle a bit of pure maple syrup on it just at the end of roasting time. It is so delicious. The rest is used for stock, except the feathers and skin, of course. Wild turkey skin is so hard to pluck. How do you fix yours? Anyway, good luck with your turkey hunt, as I know how much you love the nature around you as well as the hunt and the providing. Loveya
Good luck Fred on your turkey hunt. Look like you will have some good eating.I love your pictures in the woods, take care, Jean.
I hope you have good success with your turkey hunting! :)
Happy Hunting Fred, stay safe!
Thanks for the Bible verse about dreams... I am pushing the late 50's. Some days I feel old but I plan to be around until the moment God says differently. lol
'love & hugs from afar' :)
So??? Did you bag one yet??? I sure hope one of those turkeys walked in front of your scope and gave you the opportunity to harvest it.
Bugs ~ the one thing I don't miss over the winter months. We have a spruce beetle in our neck of the woods that has been raising havoc on the timber. Every year it seems there is some new bug bugging us. Our latest is the Asian Beetle ~ supposedly introduced to our area to eat the army worms ... which were never as bad as what these beetles have become.
Did you get my response to your syruping questions? It's too warm where you are already. The days have to be warm, in the 40's is perfect, and cold, just below freezing, during the night, is perfect. Only the Lord has control of maple syrup quality. If you have maples, hard maple is the best with the highest sugar content. The highest quality syrup is thin and amber in color at completion. In my archives of last March 22, 2010, is a more precise description of our family's small time operation...the way the folks taught us years ago. I sure wish you could be here to see it all.
It's a memorable experience.
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