For those who know us it is no surprise that we call Tabitha "The Pet". In fact our girls have all given themselves aliases. Frankie, our first-born, calls herself "Number One". Ruthie gave herself the name "The Favrite One". And Tabitha thrives as "The Pet. Last week, out of the blue, Frances decided we were going to see "The Pet" and her children who moved to Watertown, NY just 11 months ago to pastor the "Relevant Church". Below is a record of that visit.
Frances seated in the Atlanta Shuttle, a 15 passenger van. These vans are run by Groome Transportation and make 18 trips daily from Chattanooga to the Atlanta Airport. They also make 18 trips daily from Chattanooga to Nashville.
Fred in the Van preparing to leave for Atlanta.
Inside the airport at the "Self Check-in Counter".
Looking out the window of the plane just before landing in Syracuse, NY revealed a beautiful lake and the color could be seen clearly in the trees. The airplane windows left much to be desired in getting a good photo.
Our "Pet" is no longer as young as she once was! This past Thursday her Mom (Frances) decided that she was now going to visit her child Tabitha and Tabitha's family. So in the afternoon we traveled down to Chattanooga, caught the shuttle bus and made our way to the Ramada Inn Conference Center Hotel. After resting for the night, we took the hotel shuttle to the Airport where we caught Delta Airlines for a great plane trip up to Syracuse, NY. The scenery was great and weather was good all the way up. However next morning we woke up to colder conditions. Temperatures were 15 to 20 degrees cooler than here in Tennessee. And it was misting rain. The leaves there were very pretty!
What a thrill to be with our Pastor son-in-law, our daughter, and our two grand-daughters, Hannah and Gracie for church on Sunday. We were also able to spend some time with their first-born daughter Rebecca, with new husband James. They are so in love!
One day while Memaw rested, I went with the daughter and two youngest grand-daughters to shop at Wal-mart. I wanted to get the little ones something to remember our visit with...something large and costly...but they requested "Bendaroos". I never heard of Bendaroos but since that is what they requested, O.K.! Next day I was picking up Bendaroos out of the floor, off of the bed, out of the bathroom, etc. - but the main thing was they got what they asked for. ☺☻☺
Here is Hannah and her Dad, Pastor Philip Jaycox.
We are so proud that the children are serving the Lord as Pastors of the "Relevant Church", a Church of God in Watertown, NY. They have wonderful people who seem to love our children. (Who wouldn't?) I feel so much better about them now that we have seen where they actually live and work.
Here is "The Pet" and her youngest, Gracie, with her Mom at dinner.
The oldest daughter (Rebecca) married a soldier. Since Watertown is the home of Fort Drum, an Army Post, I am not greatly surprised by those developments. James is a very personable and polite young man and I feel really cares for our grand-daughter.
James seems to have won the heart of all three of the Jaycox daughters.
Me with grand-daughter Rebecca and her new husband.
Since this was her first major trip out since her heart surgery a year and a half ago, I was quite concerned about Frances health. That's why we chose to spend one night going and one night returning at the Ramada Inn near the Atlanta Airport. She really did remarkably well. Thank God and thanks to all our friends who have been praying for Frances. Other than catching sinusitis and bronchitis, she did good. Her feet did swell and she did need much extra rest with feet elevated, but overall, she managed very well. I took her to the doctor today for two shots, a breathing treatment and two prescriptions. Hopefully we caught it early enough and she'll be over it in just a few short days.
We are safely home, clothes have been washed, dried, folded and put away. I have been to the hardware store to purchase a few shelf brackets for the book-cases. Once I get them back together maybe I can get the things back in place that had to be moved for the painting done before we left here.
This is Hannah and Gracie. Wouldn't you know they would both decide to stick their fingers up behind each other's heads just as I snapped the photo?
This picture shows the church in front, and the parsonage attached at the back. It is very convenient, as they just open a door from the entry hallway and step immediately into the sanctuary. The children are blessed to have this place to live and a gracious congregation to work with.
Pastor's wife, Tabitha, a.k.a. "the pet", working with the children!
Pastor Philip Jaycox, addressing his congregation.
What a wonderful blessing to be able to visit your daughter and her family. It sounds as if they are doing very well with their church.
I'm glad your wife was able to handle the trip so well. You have three beautiful grand-daughters.
What great pictures of your family, who seem so truly grounded in the Lord. Isn't it just wonderful, a beautiful sight to see!! I did not know that your wife had heart surgery. When was this and was it an emergency situation? I hope she recovers from her bronchitis and sinus problems and am glad to hear she saw the doctor and is being treated.
Hi Fred, Wow---what a fabulous trip you all had to New York... I know you are proud of all of your daughters.. But I'm sure it was nice to see the "pet" --and her wonderful family..... I'm sure it was special to them also... SO glad you all were able to go...
Thanks for sharing your family with us.
Thanks George and Betsy for the kind words.
Ginny, In March/April of 2009, Frances had triple by-pass surgery. Coupled with diabetes, lymph-edema and arthritis, it has made for a lengthy recovery period. Thanks for your concern and prayers.
Wooo hoooo, what a great narrative of a good trip. It was good to see pitures of 'the Pet' and her family. Glad they like it there and I am sure they are ready for a GOOD winter. They will appreciate that attached parsonage!
Most of all glad my girlfriend Frances made the trip well. She is such a wonderful person.
We have always been proud of her for 'putting up' with you!!! LOL
I am so glad she (y'all) got to make the trip, and I know the kids appreciated it.
I am probably glad I don't know what "Bendaroos" are (is). hahahah
Love you Brother!!!
Hello, Fred,
Thanks for stopping by my blog. How interesting to find someone from Lacoochee. You say your family moved to Tennessee when you were five. What year was that?
My daddy worked in the lumber mill, and my mother ran the Cummer hotel. We moved to Bradenton when I was turning four right after WWII was over.
I went back fairly often because my aunt still lived there. A lot of my memories are fairly foggy; however, I reconnected with Lorise Abraham, and she told me lots of things that I didn't know.
Lacoochee has a reunion every year (the third Saturday in September) I've been a few times. I have a first cousin who still goes to it. They met at a new place this year in Dade City. I didn't make it this year though.
Little Ella in Ginny's blog is my granddaughter. I delight in reaidng people's comments about her.
I'm sure the family was as thrilled to spend time with you as you were with them. From the pictures it sure looks like a great time was had by all! Isn't it something though ~ how exhausting it all can be when you get home and have to do the laundry? That's always a pitfall for me and a trip. I hope your wife's breathing and sinuses are better.
Happy Halloween (yesterday)~ and don't eat too much of that candy!
I'm so glad you got to go see the Pet too. I am so grateful that I get to see you all often. Just wish I had gotten to visit the Pet and her family!
Your trip and pictures you have shared help make me feel better too. I miss them, but I know God placed them all the way up there in that cold!! They can handle it - I don't know if I could. lol
I am thrilled that God has touched mother and she made the trip so well. Thank you for being patient and kind to her. I believe God will reward you for your kindness to her!
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