Me teaching the class in Cameroon, Sept 2001
God is in Control!
I had heard that statement many, many times throughout my life. My life had (in some ways) been quite sheltered. First, and foremost, I was shielded by my parents; my school teachers; the police; and I learned in school that we Americans were sheltered by our soldiers. I gave my life in total surrender to Jesus Christ at an old-fashioned altar of prayer when I was only 8 years of age. I accepted His "call" to ministry when I was 11 years old. I felt a "call" to missionary work when I was just 16 years of age. So - yes, I had heard those words many, many times before. "God is in control." At 18 years of age I joined the United States Coast Guard to serve the country which had given me so much. Just a few days after being dis-charged from the service, at the age of 22 I was appointed to be pastor of my first church. On September 11, 2001, I was 62 years of age, having pastored for 24 years. I had served as missionary in Guyana, South America for 3 and 1/2 years. I had lived in Nairobi, Kenya for 10 years and served as Overseer (Supervisor) of our churches in that nation. Now I was serving my 3rd year as Field Director of our Churches in 32 nations on the continent of Africa. (If you think about it - I had to believe that "God is in Control" or I would have fallen out by the wayside by this time.)
Sure. I have had to ask the Lord many questions. I have gone through days, weeks, maybe months of doing what I knew was the right thing to do without feeling that strong assurance that God is in Control. I prayed when I felt nothing. I preached and felt nothing. I read the Bible at times and it seemed to be just words. Then it occurred to me - is this not living a life of faith as opposed to feeling?

Me Teaching in Malawi, East Africa
But today, September 11, 2001, that infamous day of the mass murder and destruction of so many Americans by the radical Al Qaeda movement, when I heard the news from my wife on the cell phone in Yaounde, Cameroon, I FELT it and I knew it. In fact, I was MORE SURE THAN EVER that God is in Control. My most disturbing feeling was the fact that I could not touch my beloved wife and calm her fears. Yes, I tried to say it over the phone with words - but words over a cell phone from far-away Africa seemed so weak to me at that moment. I thought, "If only I could touch her hand, pull her close to me, wrap my arms around her and say it softly and calmly, then she would be comforted." But I heard myself saying with what seemed to me to be empty voice, "It's o.k., honey. God is in control. We're gonna be o.k.."
The leader of our churches in Cameroon only had local TV hook-up but he immediately went out and purchased cable hook-up so that we were able to watch CNN on the TV set in his living room. There was an outpouring of Christian concern shown for me as we watched the repeated reports of the planes hitting the towers, the Pentagon, and the third plane going down killing all on board. The brothers and sisters in the Bible Study asked what I wanted to do.
I remember that it was Tuesday and my plane was not due to leave until Monday. I knew of nothing better to do than continue with our program which was due to close on Sunday. We were starting the morning from 08:00 to 09:00 hours with prayer followed by Bible Study from 0900 to 1200. Lunch was 1200 to 1400. Another Bible Study began at 1400 to 1700. I was being assisted by our Christian Education Director who also sought to comfort me by saying he was willing to take a double load and teach both his subject and mine. I asked, "Then what would I do with the extra time? I would just watch the CNN news and perhaps become depressed. We decided to go ahead with our regular schedule.
How could I be so calm? I was asked. It was because I knew that God was in Control.

Getting Ready to Preach in Zambia, Central Africa
We heard Friday night that planes were moving again. On Saturday afternoon someone took me to the airline ticket office to see if we could re-schedule. "No flights are allowed into or out of America", they said. I then asked if they could fly me up to Zurich where I could find suitable lodging. They said, "We can fly you to Europe but you cannot stay in Zurich for too many Americans are there now awaiting the first flight back to the USA." So - I booked a flight to Bremerhaven, Germany, where we had friends.

Visiting one of our Missionary Doctors in Uganda
There are many other details which would show you that GOD IS IN CONTROL but time and space and will-power to write are lacking. You, dear friend, would grow weary of reading. Let me just conclude that I was able to get to Zurich and purchase the last seat available on the first airplane allowed to fly from Zurich back to Atlanta. I was home with my wife and children 24 full hours ahead of schedule. Yes - Nine years ago today I knew full well that GOD IS IN CONTROL.
Hey Fred, We have always admired yo0u and Frances for your dedication and sacrifice. In much much less streeful times I have missed a flight or been bumped. That in itself was frustrating. I have never thought of one being out of the USA and not being able to fly in due to the NO FLY RULE that was put in place.
Love you brother, Kiss Frances for us, it is so good to be back in contact. I hear we are having a reunion in Biloxi where we all met. We are looking forward to it.
Jack & Sherry in Idaho
Oh Fred, This post somehow made me cry and cry... You are so right... God IS in control..We will all be fine---IF we keep looking toward God in all that we do.
Today is a sad day in our history.. I have read many blog posts and seen several videos today talking about 9/11. Our country came together as ONE at that time. So--what has happened to us now??? We have forgotten God, as a country.
As I sit here in tears, all I can pray is "God--have mercy on US".... Let's never forget 9/11...
God Bless YOU and God Bless America.
Well, Fred, what can I say about this post? I was riveted by your story. Many blogs today have tributes to 9/11, and some I have had to stop reading because of tears. Nothing can happen that God does not want to happen, or else he would not be omniscent. Yes, you were living a life of faith, but we need to put that first, and I believe that the feeling will then come. Sometimes all you can do is what you know to be right, and what you believe God wants for you. Feelings are tricky and at times decietful, and cannot be trusted. They will tell us things that are untrue. But faith remains. I loved seeing these pictures of part of your career!
What an inspiring story. I also have felt God in control of my life, most notably when I left a secure teaching job so I could go teach in China. My year is China was filled with God's presence and God's blessings.
Thanks for visiting my site.
Battles all around me were raging.
The clouds in the sky were so dark.
My ship was tossing on life's sea.
My life was just about to come apart.
But I put my trust in my Jesus,
For I had heard that He's the master of the sea.
He said, "Peace! Be still!" and the winds did obey Him.
Now I'm celebrating victory.
He's got it all under His control,
And everything is gonna be alright.
He's got it all under His control,
In the day and in the middle of the night.
He's got it all under His control,
And I can see because He is the light.
Though the battle everywhere, all around is raging,
He's got it all under His control.
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