Technology! I love it. But with it comes it's own set of unique problems. Now you can buy a plan which allows you to place un-limited calls anywhere in the 50 states for a very cheap rate. That's wonderful if you are the person doing the calling. But if it makes us victims of rude and difficult people - it is not so good. Another thought I've picked up somewhere - maybe read in a magazine - how rude the phone has made the normally nice person to be. Go to an office and sit at a desk with someone in business. Or sit in a pastor's office telling him your problems. Right in the middle of an important message you are trying to convey - the phone rings. The person behind the desk (tho he/she may have an answering machine) will turn, pick up the phone, say quietly to you "Excuse me"...and take care of the problem or request of the person calling in. Then they turn back to you with the smile of a Cheshire cat and say "Mmmm... You were saying?" Well now - it's un-fair to say that ALL people behave that way - but FAR TOO MANY do.
So what am I gonna do? Answer the phone even if I don't know who is calling? Or wait and let them leave a message on my answering machine? Or wait until they call back from the same number half a dozen times before answering the phone? Or should I answer at all if I do not recognize the numbers?
Correct me if I'm wrong - but I plan to continue with present policy. I'll look at the phone to see who is calling and if I don't recognize the number or see a familiar name, I will let them leave a message. If they leave a message I may call back.
Remember when long distance really costed a lot of money?Long distance calls were really rare. But as you say, now? you can get calls from around the world. Yes it is a delimma, I guess I have the same up bringing, it was hard for me to 'screen my calls'. (Now it is no problem for me, since I cannot hear on the phone & Sherry does it all.)
I do think the best policy is as you say. If there is an important call, they will have a message.
The technology is available that displays the caller ID, and I think it is great.
Have a great holiday weekend, Kiss Frances for me. Love that girl.
I follow your policy. I've learned there are a lot of scammers that use the internet and the telephone so it is best to answer only when you know someone or they leave a message for you.
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