I heard our pastor use that phrase from the pulpit recently - and I think it's a quote from Dr. Phil. He said, "How's that working out for ya?" I'm being asked that question a lot lately as it regards my retirement. My response varies - from a simple "thumbs-up" signal and broad smile - to a lengthy speech, talking about the many reasons I am enjoying retirement.
Some things I have learned:
1) I am busier than I have ever been in my life . . . or I have nothing to do that has to be done today! The choice is mine.
2) There are no more off-days, sick leave days, holidays, week-ends or vacations. . . I am permanently on vacation.
3) Social Security helps. . . medi-care helps... having had a good financial planner (my wife) helps. I've sometimes referred to her as my "Minister of Home Affairs and Minister of Finance".
4) Good health is a prerequisite for enjoying retirement ... I'm glad I took some days out of the office and tried to keep all muscles moving.
5) I go hunting and/or fishing whenever the mood strikes me.
6) I love having my children and grand-children drop by to hug on me and their grandmother.
7) God has provided for me. I do not live in opulence - but have sufficient for each day.
8) It's great - I'm still married to the same woman I married 52+ years ago. I'm passionate with love for her! She is the most exciting woman I've ever known.
9) I have a few people who still thank me for performing their marriage ceremony in my role as a Christian minister. One such couple whom I married over thirty years ago called last week.
10) I have a few people who will occasionally call me to say that I made a difference in their understanding of the Bible through my preaching and Bible teaching.
11) I enjoy really good health. Yes, there is the occasional arthritic pain and some few signs of aging - but I take no medicines that I MUST have on a daily basis. Don't mis-understand, I take a baby aspirin daily, a vitamin, an anti-histamine, and an antacid for those times when I over-eat.
12) I am ready if Jesus should come today. My sins have been forgiven by grace through faith in the finished work of Christ Jesus at Calvary!
So - I say - That's working out FINE for me!
WOW! I like that list, can I say amen. I don't do the hunting anymore, but I do plan to do the fishing (IN Florida) this winter.
All in all, I must say, It is working out for us mighty well.
I do know you are enjoying the cabin. If we did not have the travel bug, I can't think of anything better.
Love to you and thanks for the entry, It made me think and be more thankful.
And OH YEAH, you guys have made a difference in our lives.
Thanks Jack. You are a wonderful friend.
Boy - I wanna RETIRE! Sounds like it's workin' out for ya! :0) GREAT POST!
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