Americans are the most benevolent people in the world. Prosperity hardens some hearts...but most who have reached some degree of success in America want to give to those less fortunate than themselves. However, most givers want to know where there money is going. Ideally - one dollar given would equal one dollar in the hands of the hurting. Realistically - it just ain't so. Probably less than half will reach the pocket of the poorest and neediest. It just stands to reason that work should be rewarded. There is much work going on behind the scenes in order to deliver the aid to the people.
Does that mean there is corruption? Maybe. But then again ... Maybe not as much as you think! We must consider that from the funds donated there will have to be a portion spent to administer these funds. Some will be spent for labor. Another portion will have to be there to purchase food, generators, bedding, mosquito nets - or whatever the basic needs are that we (the benefactors) are providing. Then transport of the items is not free. Cargo-carrying Airplanes or Cargo Ships will have to be hired, personnel to operate the vessels, laborers to load and un-load, construction equipment and supplies to reconstruct docks, warehouses, roads, etc. and etc. will have to be funded. Even if a pilot with his own plane shows up and says, "I will give you the use of my plane and I will not charge for my services", you still would need to buy fuel for the transport and pay any un-expected costs incurred such as labor for loading and un-loading. The Marines and Sailors and foot-soldiers will be paid by our government...but their presence in Haiti means they are not available to perform other jobs at home. Persons will have to be hired to perform those "other jobs". Plus there are a myriad of things that will have to be paid which are un-expected and/or currently un-known.

In this picture, many bicycles are being given to African preachers in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Informative entry Fred. A reminder also that moving things around and getting them to the right places takes work, planning and coordination.
For someone who has never been involved in such an evolution it is easy to sit back and say how it should be done.
Some folks can't think how hard it is to feed a million people, much less get the stuff to all areas.
I learned on a simple division party. After one time and listening to the griping, I never griped at anyone who puts things together. I sure won's complain.
Give our love to the family, and thanks for the pictures.
Love ya!
Jack & Sherry
Even Jesus organized the crowd before feeding them. "Sit down in companies of 50!" Then he did not give the food directly to the hungry - but gave it to his disciples who gave it to the people. Compare Luke 9:14 and 15.
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