By reaching out the office window I was able to measure the snowfall which Cleveland, Tennessee got last night. I could not find the rule, so stuck this letter opener into the snow!
Finally found a measuring tape so laid it out the window beside the letter opener. It looked like 7 inches today!
We have had a wonderful snowfall in Cleveland, TN last night (January 9th) and this morning (January 10th)! It's been years since we have seen snow like this in East Tennessee. It brought back fond memories of childhood days when Mama would make "snow cream". So this morning, while chatting with one of my own daughters, I decided that this would be a good thing to do here. We need not get out on the roads due to the dangers of trying to drive while the roads are covered with ice and snow. It could become boring if one had to stay inside for long like this. As I reflect on the whole scene I think that Mama probably used this idea of snow cream to stave off the insanity of having three rambunctious boys and a baby girl at home from school, closed in because of the snow, with nothing to do. There was no internet, no ipod, no cell phone, no TV and much of my youth we survived without a "two-party" phone! The cowboy shows only came on the radio for a short time in the mornings - and that was usually on Saturday. But Mom would entertain us with mind games, riddles and such, and with games like "I spy with my little eye" plus regular Checkers and Chinese Checkers (played with marbles on a board). Oh yeah, and there was "jacks" (or do you spell that jax?) Another game was "Who can quote the most Bible Verses?" One child would quote a verse, then the next and the next until someone could no longer think of a verse to quote. Of course there was also music. The guitar and mandolin and fiddle would come out and we would play and sing at times for two or three hours. No - this didn't happen every day - but on those days like today when we were "cooped" up inside because of foul weather. Today, I was able to convince Frances to do the video while I made the snow cream! I've tried to load it onto here - but blogger won't take it today. Oh well...still more for me to learn, I guess.
Because I was taking video I did not think to take pictures of the entire process - but did take this one when I first brought the bowl of snow into the kitchen! It was DELICIOSO!
Oh yes Fred, you tell a great story and bring back the memories of 'snow cream'. I remember we could not make snow cream from the first snow of the year but after that, mama always made snow cream.
Like you said, It is amazing how kids survived with no video games, etc.
7", amazing. Shirl tells me she has 5" at home in NC. Mark is out driving in it 'for the fun of it'. I have done that too, my dad did it also, so I guess it is an inherited trait, or just plain youth and excitement!!
Enjoy it.
Love to you all!!!!
Oh Fred, That Snow Cream sounds yummy... I may go outside and get some for us to have a bowl!!!! We only have from 4-5 inches here. You all and Chattanooga got the MOST.
I remember growing up in Southwest Virginia back in the 50's ---and we had alot of snow back then... This year has been the most in a long time.
Enjoy that Snow Cream.
My son's wife makes it for our granddaughter, and has posted it on her blog. Do you put vanilla in it and that is all? Your days growing up are like a lot of us back then, too bad that kids have to become so smart so quick now. No more innocence.
I haven't had snow cream in ages. I wish I could get to Cleveland to have some. I also remember Chinese checkers very well.
I'm so glad you got some snow cream and you're enjoying all that snow ... just as long as it's gone in a few weeks when I head south. Seriously, I was telling my sister yesterday ~ I am NOT leaving Wisconsin to see more snow!
I'm back ~ lol
I was just wondering what instrument you played ~ guitar, mandolin or fiddle?
Hi, Fred,
I've seen you over at Ginny's blog, so I thought I'd stop by. I liked your toothbrush joke. :)
I had to laugh when I read your profile of your favorite movies. We never went to movies either when I was growing up. All of my life I have either been in a Church of God or an Assembly of God. My husband is an A/G pastor.
The snow cream sounds very good. You got a lot of snow there! We missed most of it this time.
Have a great weekend. :)
Thank you for your visit. I'm looking forward to reading your posts too. :)
Snow Cream, I cannot say I have ever had it, Fred, and to think I live where there are tons of snow all around me for 5-6 months out of the year. How do you make it? Maybe this is something I should make the Grandloves.
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