Why should anyone sell out everything, leave family and friends and things behind, travel to a foreign country, establish residence in a totally different culture in order to tell others the story of Jesus? We go - for Jesus has said, "Go Ye into all the world". We go because we believe that Jesus is the only means of salvation. We go because we believe that hell is real and those who are not trusting in Jesus for their salvation will die and go there. We go because we believe that heaven is real and those who embrace the message of salvation will live eternally with Him in Heaven.
The Hardshell Baptists are on record that they do not believe in foreign missions. Their theology does not permit them to interfere in what may be the punishment of God on a nation because of the sins of the fathers of that people group. Also, their view of pre-destination is so extreme that they feel that those in foreign countries who are predestined to be lost will be lost whether they hear the gospel or not. They also feel that those who are pre-destined to be saved will be saved whether we help or not. Check them out on Wiki-pedia by "googling" for "hardshell baptist".
Some are motivated by a mis-understanding of Matthew 24:14 which says, "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come." This verse does not mean the gospel has to be preached unto all the world in order to hasten the coming rapture of the church. In fact we are going to rule and reign with Christ for a thousand years on this earth before "the end" comes. (Revelation 20:6) After the thousand years Satan will be loosed for a short season and will go out to deceive the nations. (Revelation 20:3;8) Another reason I do not believe that we become missionaries in order to hasten the return of Christ is that the day of his return has already been decided by the Father in Heaven. Jesus said, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only." (Matthew 24:36) Again, Jesus said, "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." (Matthew 25:13) I believe that this and other eschatological passages means that the date is already forever settled in heaven and nothing that you nor I do will change that date. The Bible says, in Mark 13:32, "But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father." The Father knows what day He will return. He will return on that day regardless of what you or I do - or do not do - about world missions. We cannot slow the day of His return; neither can we hasten it.
This is all the more reason that we must be diligent in telling the story to those who have not heard. Jesus could come today. We must go and tell the story before the end of the day.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
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About Me

- Fred Alton
- Cleveland, TN, United States
- I am Fred Alton Brannen, the son of Louis A. Brannen (deceased) and Bonnie Jones Brannen, Louis was an Ordained Bishop with the Church of God. Bonnie is an Ordained Licensed Minister and at 89 years of age is still actively engaged in speaking and singing engagements. I am married to the former Frances Hildreth. We celebrated 53 years of marriage this past June and we are the parents of 3, grand-parents of 10, and great-grandparents of 10. I pastored in Tennessee for 24 years and served the Church in some capacity in missions for over 23 years. I retired from full-time ministry in August of 2008 but remain active, speaking and singing and teaching whenever opportunity affords itself. In January of 2010 I received a letter of commendation for having been credentialed as a minister in the Church of God for 50 years! My family is very important to me. Our get togethers are always noisy affairs and most times will include family sing-alongs. The children love their Mom's cooking so we have the privilege of seeing them regularly! WE LOVE having them over.
TheCabin on Day One
Fred Alton
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