Friday, January 11, 2013


Mama, Addressing City Life Church, Tampa, Florida

That's what I've always called my wonderful mother; Mama.  She is so specially gifted.  She will reach 92 years of age in March.  She has retained her beauty so well that when we are out together and Frances is not with me, she has often been mistaken for my wife.  However, on Wednesday night, walking from her apartment over to the church (less than 100 yards) she fell flat on her face and ended up in the emergency room at our local hospital.  I was at my church when I received the call and went to the ER immediately after our service.  Stayed there until the doctor finally came (after four hours) and started the two stiches in her lip.  Yesterday, she was up, smiling the best she could, and worrying about the fact that she could not see because the eyeglasses cannot be repaired before next week.  I went to the drugstore and bought her a new pair of 3.25 reading glasses which she says help her a lot.

Interestingly - I had sung a song she taught me that she had learned as a child.  Here are the words: 
I Don’t Want To
Some men chew their cud – they say it’s oh so good
They urge me the same to do
But this is my reply – as I pass them by
I don’t want to!

Cause Jesus took the want to outta me a long long time ago
The pleasures of this world – don’t charm me any more
So this is my reply – as I pass them by
I don’t want to!

Some women powder and paint – to look like what they ain’t
They’ll urge you the same to do
So make this your reply – As you pass them by
I don’t want to!

Some men cuss and smoke – tell lots of smutty jokes
They urge me the same to do
But this is my reply – As I pass them by
I don’t want to!
Some men drink their wine – they say it’s oh so fine
They urge me the same to do
But this is my reply – As I pass them by
I don’t want to!

Some won’t pay their tithes – they say it’s just not wise
They urge me the same to do
But this is my reply – As I pass them by
(Since I got saved) I JUST WANT TO!
Once, I was at a meeting with Mom and we were browsing through books in the bookstore when a preacher friend whom I had known for years approached.  I had been away in Africa for about five years and we had not seen each other during that time.  He said, "Oh, Bro. Fred, I was so sorry to hear about Sis. Frances.  Is this your new wife?"  Boy, did Mama beam!  More recently I took her for a doctor's appointment and the young receptionist asked mother how old she was because she could not believe she was reading the date on her chart correctly.  When Mother said, "I'm 89."  I chimed in and said,  "Don't you think we look pretty good to be in our 80s and 90s?"  To which the young lady replied, "Well, I believe you...but your wife just doesn't look old enough to be 89!"  Those moments are really good for one's ego.  Yeah.  Right.

Ugh! That looks like it would hurt.

Well - here we are with the picture I took yesterday morning.  Looks like the famous "morning after" to me.  Don't ya think?  But don't worry.  She'll be back looking good as new in a couple weeks - or is that months?


George said...

Your mother sounds like a wonderful (and beautiful) lady. I like the song she taught you. I hope she quickly recovers from her fall and that her glasses are quickly repaired.

Sheila Y said...

Prayers for your Mama, hope she is doing well today. Have a great day, Sheila

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Bless her heart... Hope she will feel better soon. She does look great to be 92. My sweet Mama lived 'til she was 91. Your Mama may live to be 100--like my father-in-law.

Tell her to quit trying to dance her way to church --and to be CAREFUL... haha

Prayers for her healing.

Joyful said...

Wow! What a fall. It's so good you are there to look after your mama. She does look good for her age and I know how much it means to them to hear those words. My mama is the same. Prayers beings sent for your mama.

Ginny Hartzler said...

What a scare she must have had, it is wonderful that she did not hurt herself more than she did, I believe God was watching over her. How wonderful his care is!!! She DOES look your age, Fred!! I have a friend whose mom will be turning 108. He and his wife had been wanting to move, but were waiting till she passed so it wouldn't upset her that they were going farther away. They finally gave up and moved.

Dar said...

Oh mercy, your Mama sure did take a tumble. It's wonderful she can still smile after all that. She does look wonderful for her age...ageless like my mother, too. My Grandma B on my Mama's side, lived to be a month shy of her 102nd birthday. It's just wonderful.
Now, to make you feel good, you look pretty young yourself, Fred, my good friend.
Take such good care of your Mama, she's a precious lady, and besides, look at the good genes she blessed you with.

jack69 said...

WOW, give our love to mama, she is such a sweet lady. She is a joy to be around, we have loved every minute of each time we have been there.
Prayers for her quick recovery.

But I realize I know a lot of young folk who do don't look as well as she does after the tumble and the fight with the doctor. hahaha

Tell her we love her.

Jean said...

Sorry to hear about your mama Fred. I hope she is feeling well soon. She's a lovely lady it's hard to believe she will be 92.
Take care.Jean

Dar said...

How are you, Frances and your sweet Mama doing? So happy to see you pop in. I think of you all a lot and miss you. I'm glad all is going good and that you are staying busy...stop when you can.

About Me

My photo
Cleveland, TN, United States
I am Fred Alton Brannen, the son of Louis A. Brannen (deceased) and Bonnie Jones Brannen, Louis was an Ordained Bishop with the Church of God. Bonnie is an Ordained Licensed Minister and at 89 years of age is still actively engaged in speaking and singing engagements. I am married to the former Frances Hildreth. We celebrated 53 years of marriage this past June and we are the parents of 3, grand-parents of 10, and great-grandparents of 10. I pastored in Tennessee for 24 years and served the Church in some capacity in missions for over 23 years. I retired from full-time ministry in August of 2008 but remain active, speaking and singing and teaching whenever opportunity affords itself. In January of 2010 I received a letter of commendation for having been credentialed as a minister in the Church of God for 50 years! My family is very important to me. Our get togethers are always noisy affairs and most times will include family sing-alongs. The children love their Mom's cooking so we have the privilege of seeing them regularly! WE LOVE having them over.

TheCabin on Day One

TheCabin on Day One
Fred Alton