My Brother Wil and his Wife join me on the Greenway |
I'm so happy to report that I'm finished the Chemo and am now preparing to hike the "Hundred Mile Wilderness" with good friend and fellow blogger, Jack Darnell. My brother and a missionary friend, Gordon B. are also going with us. We anticipate a great time of solitude and evening stories around the campfire!
Dinner? |
I have been so busy this summer that it was next to impossible to do anything here at the Blog. Missionary friends were taken up to the cabin, one of my brothers and his wife (Lowell and Janis) were taken to the cabin specifically to pick black berries. One day Lowell and I dug sassafras roots for tea. At other times we just went to mow the grass and check for storm damage.
It seems we have had an unusual amount of storms the last couple of years. Our cabins were spared - but there have been numerous trees that were felled by the winds, clogging the roads. Our neighbor lost several huge trees. Power outages were caused by trees knocking down power lines. But we and our families were spared. Thank you, Lord!
It seems I have more to thank God for than anyone I know. I had my last chemo-treatment about three weeks ago. Then at the CT Scan two weeks ago - the doctor said he could see no more cancer...but...he referred me to another doctor for an ultrasound on my thyroid gland as he thought he saw a nodule there. I had a call a couple of hours ago from the ultrasound doc and they said "ALL CLEAR" on that! Ain't God Good?
Through All Kinds of Weather |
Brother Wil and I have been hiking on the local hiking trail in anticipation of the AT. We have been also preparing our backpacks, meals, shelter, etc. This is the brother that lived in Texas for over 40 years and only recently retired and moved here to our town. I'm enjoying having him around.
More Ducks |
Missionary Gordon Bloodworth Shows His Strength |
Clearing The Trail |
I MUST SAY - Thank You, my friends who have prayed for me so often over the last six to eight months as I battled cancer. Thanks.
Missionary Jack Morris Takes Aim
Hi Fred, It's great hearing from you and knowing that you are doing so well. God is GOOD....
Hope you enjoy that LONG hike with your brother and friends... Can't wait to hear all about it..
Hi, Fred,
I'm so glad to read this wonderful news!!
I've been checking back here from time to time to make sure I didn't miss a post from you.
Hope you have a great time hiking the trail!
Such great news Fred.
Now you can plan your hike to your heart's content. God bless!
I am doing packs today myself and thinking of a good long walk. I am so anxious to see you guys in Bangor. If we finish in time it would be great to drive down to Kennebunk and get some lobster!
I am looking forward to getting to know Will and Gordon better. It is such a good time to spin tales of youth and life history. I can't wait to hear what tales you guys can bring from the African days. Hoping and praying for good weather.....
Love from NY
I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! I imagine you are SO HAPPY TOO!!!! I can't wait until you guys (yep, that Yankee phrase) hit the trail. That ought to make some good stories when all said and done:) Make sure to pack a journal and write down every day how things are going.
It's good to hear the report on your health and to learn how good the Lord is. I hope your hike is a marvelous experience for you and your friends.
I jotted on your Cabin entry but missed mentioning those delicious blackberries...I can't believe you got to pick those so early. We are just seeing them now.
Also, again, so happy for you to be taking such a huge adventure, 100 mile trek with Jack and friends. WOW, I know I could not do that right now, so do as my sister Mel suggests and keep a journal. They are so much fun to go back to yrs. down the road.
Happy trails, my friend.
Hi Fred! You can't imagine how glad I am to see you are Okay. Chemo is gone and you feel good!
God is Love and He is our strong refuge! I prayed for you and i Knew He was listening to my prayers.
Have a blessed weekend.
Me too, Betsy! Might depend on how well they behave on the trail?
Thanks, Melanie. I feel the results of the prayers.
Yes, Joyful! I'm bouncing around now ... trying out new things ... day-dreaming of the trail.
Jack - looks like Wil has backed out of the trip. But Gordon and I are really getting hyped. "Stuff" is piling up in my office floor as I start getting my gear together. Looks like we may encounter some rain - but hoping for sunshine. Expect tje best - Prepare for the worst, right?
Mel - The journal is in my mind. Hope I can put it all on paper to be transferred to electronic devices later. I'm really getting excited about the hike.
Thanks George! I'm surte it will be!!!
Dar - Do you think I could take a few pills along so as to slow Jack down??? He has so much experience on the trail and I have almost none. ☻ We WILL have some seriouus fun.
Isabel - THANKS for your strong prayers. I know God was listening. I feel great!!!
Fred thanks for the good words
about Mother and Dad. We did have
wonderful Parents and loved by
Jack is ready to start the trail.
I think he took a short hike and
came back really tired. Maybe
he has slowed down and you guys
can keep up. I told him remember
he was getting older. LOL
Oh Praise God for your treatment and that it's over. Fred, you such an inspiration to so many who know you (and I count myself one of these lucky people) I trust you had a wonderful hike. Blessings to you and Frances. Jo
Hello Fred, I cannot say how very happy I am for you to beat the cancer...Praise God! Your photo's show a happy man enjoying life. So great to see. Blessings Crystal Mary
I find I'm having you and Jack in my mind quite often, especially when I can't walk across the yard with ease lately. I know the Lord will lead you up and down the AT but do take it slow. It will be a good time with a little blood, sweat and tears thrown in there to keep you all grounded, I suppose. God Slow Your Pace, enjoy the awesome scenery He provides and step carefully. Your sweet Frances, knowing you so well, will not be too worried. She knows that you are in God's hands. He will carry you when needed.
Prayers for you and your upcoming adventure.
Fred, I am so happy to hear you are defeating the cancer and were able to experience the 100 Mile Wilderness. I will be praying that you are able to go back and walk the whole thing!
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