Friday, June 29, 2012


Recognize These?  Be glad if you don't!  Ha.

Keep Smiling Through It All...It takes lots less muscle to smile than to frown.

The Nurses At Work
My apologies to all of my blogger friends.  (All of you) * ld like to give you an update on what isd going on here but with the "chemically induced nejuropathy pains I'm having - it is most difficult to tyupe because of teh pain I am experience in my fingers.  It's a taski top type without hitting un-wanted keys as you can plainly sdee.  Horrible!  ☺  so I'm smiling anyway!!!!!!!!!!!!  Thank God I can do as well as I can and the doc says it will go away in time.


Ginny Hartzler said...

Have you been back in the hospital since your last treatment, Fred? I am sorry you are dealing with neuropathy, it is a common side effect of the chemo, I am well acquainted with it because of my best friend. But you look so well!!!

Joyful said...

I'm glad to know what is happening with you. I praise God you are finished with chemo and I pray your fingers get back to normal soon. God bless.

jack69 said...

Well 'em doctors lie sometimes! LOL Nah, I am just glad you are aboe to correspond. Sherry had a good conversation with Frances today. We will let you know in a few days, when we are leaving here.
Always good to see the alert for Fred Alton's Page.
Love You Bro!

jack69 said...

We think of you and Frances often. And are looking forward to seeing you in person soon! Now the plans are to leave here on the 9th. Possibly the 8th not sure yet!

Fred Alton said...

@ Ginny ... No, Thank G0d! I have not had to go back to the hospital, and really am doing very well. Lost 45 lbs in this process and hope I dont gain it back! ☺

@ Joyful ... Thanks for your prayers. It really is amazing how much I need my fingers for. Can't type - can't play music - can't button my shirt-sleevesl and etc

@ Jack ... yeah, 'em doctors don't know ever-thang! Frances told me about ffher good talk with Sherry.

Tabitha said...

Maybe you should apologize to Ruthie? I cannot believe you did that wedding without her being invited to it. It really hurts when your child doesn't want you to be at their wedding. You have never had to deal with that directly, but I have and it really really really stinks.

Joyful said...

I'm hoping you are feeling better and better as the days go by. I know how you feel as it wasn't so long ago when I could barely walk. Even now and then I have a bad day but am so grateful to be able to get around better. God bless!

About Me

My photo
Cleveland, TN, United States
I am Fred Alton Brannen, the son of Louis A. Brannen (deceased) and Bonnie Jones Brannen, Louis was an Ordained Bishop with the Church of God. Bonnie is an Ordained Licensed Minister and at 89 years of age is still actively engaged in speaking and singing engagements. I am married to the former Frances Hildreth. We celebrated 53 years of marriage this past June and we are the parents of 3, grand-parents of 10, and great-grandparents of 10. I pastored in Tennessee for 24 years and served the Church in some capacity in missions for over 23 years. I retired from full-time ministry in August of 2008 but remain active, speaking and singing and teaching whenever opportunity affords itself. In January of 2010 I received a letter of commendation for having been credentialed as a minister in the Church of God for 50 years! My family is very important to me. Our get togethers are always noisy affairs and most times will include family sing-alongs. The children love their Mom's cooking so we have the privilege of seeing them regularly! WE LOVE having them over.

TheCabin on Day One

TheCabin on Day One
Fred Alton