Check this out! See the date on that picture above? 12/25/2010! I looked out early this morning and this is what I saw through the office window.
The temperature was 33, but the snow was sticking to the trees...
...and to the top of the neighbor's fence. I love the contrast of snow on the cedar tree.
Hurrying to the front door, I could see that snow was actually starting to cover the street.
Have you ever noticed how quiet things are when it snows like this? This is looking up the street from my front porch.
We have been home from Africa for 12 years now and this is the first time we have seen it snow on Christmas Day here. In fact, we have not seen this much snow here in all of those years. I love seeing it fall.
I cooked pancakes this morning and Frances fried some turkey sausage someone had given us for a gift.
There was none of Jack's Smucker's peanut butter - so I did the best I could with the store-brand! ☻ If you haven't heard Jack of "Shipslog" tell the story of Smucker's Peanut Butter, you need to. It's been told many times now - even attempted in German and some African languages!
The snow is so pretty was hoping we would have a white Christmas down here in the lower south but all we got is rain, lol. Take care and Merry Christmas to you and your family, Jean
Sorry for you folks down in the lower south!
Yep Fred,it just started here. We did not wake up to it as you did. But it is falling now. Jean's daughter Sheila did a snow dance, then headed for Alabama, leaving us in this. Now if we get the accumulation they say, we will be leaving in the snow.
The breakfast looks good. YOu posted some beautiful Christmas pictures.
Love to you and Frances (and the family)
We woke up to some snow on the ground, but not as much as you got. However, it started snowing pretty hard about an hour ago and the street is now covered. It will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings.
Great snow pictures, Fred! Unlike you, I didn't have the presence of mind to take pictures of our snow for my blog tonight, wah!! That pancake in the skillet looks so good!!! I really want pancakes now, but no buttermilk in the house, and not going out in the snow for any, either. But what is that on your plate, a pancake with peanut butter spread on top?
You got your wish, Snow on Christmas. It's beautiful isn't it? We noticed that we don't have to get out of bed to know it snowed because the highway traffic is quiet, barely hearing it.
Your pancakes look good and I love peanut butter anytime, anywhere. Back to that snow, I have a hard time walking away from the window as it snows, I love watching it fall. As for the cabin trade, sorry, there is one material thing in life I will not part with, yes, our Creekside Retreat but you and your lovely bride can come visit anytime.
I really enjoyed the snow falling and the accumulation of snow that we got. It would have been allright with me if it had been about a foot or more of snow but I guess I'll be content with what we got. I left Cleveland on Monday, snow still on the ground, and am now in Louisiana. By the time I get back to Cleveland, all the melting snow and mush will be gone. That makes it even nicer.
The snow pictures are so pretty. I love the snow, that is why I don't think I would leave the New England area!!
Have a great day!
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