Yes, I said AGAIN. I know. I was just out there in June for a meeting with Eastern Africa Leaders - but now I have been back again with the Central Africa Leaders where once again I led them in the M.E.D.I.C.A.L program I wrote about earlier. This version had to be shorter because of the School of Ministry meeting which occurred the next week.

The School of Ministry meetings were led by Dr. Don Aultman, Chancellor of Education for the Church of God. Dr. Aultman and his wife, Wynona, and Dr. Dwain Pyeatt and his wife, Judy and Dr. Lynn and wife Dr. Mary Ruth Stone were the leaders. Special guests from the Executive Committee were Dr. Paul Laverne Walker and his wife, Carmelita. What a blessing as they all ministered to us.
Wow! What a nice thing to get back home and find that my #1 daughter has also established her blog place on the internet. Thanks to all of you for your comments about the last blog I did. Frankie, hurry up and put a picture of yourself on here and keep us posted on how your adventure at school is gong with all the new challenges with the new kids.
Yes, Donice, I tried to establish a second blog called "From the Cabin" - but lost it - now will have to try and find it again. It's just a matter of time.
I want to thank Lowell, who on the day of departure drove Frances and me and Mom to lunch and then took me to the airport. When I arrived back home from Nairobi I was also thankful to find that number 1 daughter (Frankie) and husband (Rick) with their daughter (Jessica) had brought Frances to the airport to meet me! It is such a blessing to have family who is willing to help me in this way.
Guess what, y'all? Can you believe that Frances and I have enrolled at Lee University in Dr. Rick Moore's class on Wisdom Literature of the Old Testament? Well, we are auditing only, but it is still stretching our minds. We, along with our friends Eddie and Irma Williams, had an exciting time at the school yesterday evening. This is because of the new "ENCORE" program by Lee that allows anyone 60 years and over to take 2 classes for a fee of onl $50. I think it is remarkable that they believe in us this much. We will try to keep you up-dated as events un-fold in this area of our lives.
It's good to have you back in Cleveland. I did give serious thought to attending some classes, but I believe I'd better wait until I am off of this medicine. Only 27 more weeks to go. Actually tomorrow night I will begin week # 22, leaving only 26 to go.
Welcome home. Congrats on the Encore class.
Dr.Moore's Wisdom Lit was my very first seminary class and I loved it. I have great respect for Dr. Moore. His sensitivity to the Holy Spirit in the classroom and lecture is just well....how do I even describe that? It was powerful. I know you're in for a treat!
By the way, try going to:
http://pumzikaacres.blogspot.com/ and see if your "cabin" blog is not still there.
When I click on one of your comments from my page, it goes straight to it and that is the address in the browser.
I just pasted the url that 'travelin' on' mentioned into my address bar and there was your blog. It looks like you found it too.
Welcome to blogland! Your friend, Corky
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