It's so hard to believe that Rebecca Jaycox and her first cousin Jessica Durham have graduated from High School and are now entering college. They were born just two or three months apart. Of course a grandfather (or Poppaw as they call me) just can't be expected to remember details like exactly when their birthdays are. It feels like they should now be entering first grade - but then I take another look and they don't look like babies anymore. As you can see from the picture above, Rebecca looks like she had won a long battle and was giving a victory shout!

Here are her two younger sisters who will soon be where Rebecca is now! I'm sure they are going to miss having Becca around to help look after them and also that Rebecca will miss their presence when she is away in College. Aren't they lovely girls?
This was her first time to travel by airplane! Airports can be awfully lonely places when one is far away from home and totally un-familiar with the lay-out. We (her Memaw and me) were all ears to hear as she told us of navigating the length of Hartsfield Airport in Atlanta. Rushing from point A to point B, only to realize that she really needed to be near to point A! ☺ The picture above is of the Chattanooga Airport waiting area. Although there were several other passengers on the little four motor prop-plane that flies from Atlanta to Chattanooga, I was the only person in this waiting area when the plane arrived.
It thrills my heart that our Rebecca wants to spend some time with her grandparents before she goes off to school and into serious studying. She'll be in college about 3 hours away from home. That will worry her parents some, I'm sure - but I'm more confident now than ever that they have instilled the right teachings into her and that she will not forget it. Even the Bible supports that thought with these words from Proverbs 22:6, "Train up a child in the way he/she should go: and when he/she is old, he will not depart from it." That does not mean there will be no mistakes but it does mean that the child who has God's Word instilled in their hearts will have a solid base of right knowledge to make decisions with. It's hard to let them go - but we have no choice.
Here, left to right, are three of our grand-daughters, standing in front of their Memaw. Rebecca, Jessica and Lydia! We took them all to the Chik-fil-A restaurant at their request for a meal. Afterwards, I wanted a peach milk-shake but could not get any of the girls to say they wanted one. What to do? I bought a large one and got four straws!!!
The peach milk-shake seen on the table with the cherry on top is the kind you want to buy for yourself. Of course it's only available when fresh peaches are in season. It's a fantabulous and refreshing drink!
Ooops! I think we have already eaten the cherry and drunk the whole thing!